Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Who am i

I am neither a gynaecologist nor a peadiatrician but i do use the terms cervix, dilution, epidural, pictocin, incision, primegravida, APGAR, occipto posterior, breast feed, burp, colic....iam not working in johnson&johnson company ;-), but i always have a pleasant smell of their products over me all through the day....i dont have a magic wand but i can give out a little angel within a 9 months' period.... gussed who i am?? yes.........I am an excited new mommy who gave birth to my sweet lil' darling, 2 1/2 months back....I am here to capture my sweet lil' darling's fantasy filled infant-hood, so that s
he wont complain on me for been reluctant in maintaining a history :-) ...... i will come back soon with more things about my sweet lil' darling.